O que é Funil de Vendas: sua importância no Marketing Digital

What is a Sales Funnel: Its Importance in Digital Marketing


You want know what a sales funnel is? Check out our article here!


First of all, keep in mind that a sales funnel, sometimes called a marketing funnel, is a visual representation of the journey buyers take as they convert from potential customers in customers.

From this perspective, companies typically separate sales funnels into upper, middle, and lower stages in reference to the prospect's current position.


In this way, sales funnels are divided into predetermined steps that a company's buyers usually take in their journey to becoming a customer, giving you the ability to visually see the rep's progress.

Also, the further the customer moves down the funnel, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

Check out the best sales funnel tips for your company!

1. The importance of internships

First, the prospect's current stage in the process will also determine the sales and marketing actions a company will take to convert the prospect into a customer.

In this way, the strategies of countless B2B and B2C companies were designed around a sales funnel informed by the buyer's journey.

At this time when the sales funnel is essential!

Therefore, business owners rely on the image of a funnel because a large number of potential customers will enter at the top of the funnel.

However, once conversion rates are taken into account, only a percentage of the original number of potential customers will result in a new customer.

2. Don't underestimate the sales funnel

First, after you've worked out your sales process and identified your typical buyer's journey, take an extra step to illustrate a sales funnel.

This can provide many benefits for your sales reps and marketers, your company, and your customers.

That way, sales funnels can put you in the customers' shoes. The stages defined in your funnel will be accompanied by specific actions and thoughts that buyers typically experience at that point in the process.

As a result, with this insight, your sales and marketing teams can allocate the right follow-up actions, create relevant messages, and ultimately convert more prospects into customers. 

In short, sales funnels also give sales professionals a method to be more organized. Depending on experience, it's possible that your reps are handling more than one account.

Additionally, seeing each prospect's position in the sales funnel will help salespeople stay on top of the buying process and assign actions accordingly.

3. Sales funnel and optimization

Not every lead that enters the sales funnel will turn into a qualified lead, opportunity, and eventually a customer. Some will drop out along the way before they are fully converted.

This sales fact will not only inform your sales metrics and forecasts for a future period, but it will also help you identify weaknesses in your processes.

If many prospects are leaving after receiving a demo of value, you may need to review the benefits listed in that presentation.

Meaning, if you find that your funnel is being filled with a bunch of unqualified leads, maybe your lead generation strategy needs to be reworked.

In summary, this optimization is made possible by the different stages of the sales funnel.

4. Stages of the sales funnel

First of all, know that your leads and prospects technically enter the sales funnel the second they hear about it and consider your business as a solution to a pain point they are experiencing.

Also, while the journey from this point forward may look a little different for every buyer, as no two customers are exactly the same, your sales funnel will likely consist of the following stages. The deeper into the funnel, the more promising the relationship.

  • Attention

The first stage of the sales funnel is known as the awareness stage. This sector refers to the moment when a customer becomes aware of the existence of your company, product or service.

So they may have heard about it through a Google search result, blog post, or maybe even a referral from a friend.

  • Interest

After the awareness stage comes the person's interest in your brand, business or product. A promising move and a step in the right direction.

From this perspective, a person's heightened interest in a business is often accompanied by a pain point they are trying to solve for their own company.

Someone might learn about your business and not think about it again until it's relevant to a problem they're facing.

  • Desire

At that point, the customer is ready to buy. They should have all the information they need about your company and solution. However, during the decision phase, they will want even more detail about what it would look like if they decided to buy from you.

  • Action

The final stage at the bottom of the funnel is when the customer takes action and makes a purchase. These are processes within the action stage, including negotiating final prices, signing contracts, and preparing the customer to integrate the solution.

5. Evaluate buyer behavior

A good sales funnel will reflect a company's typical buyer's journey.

From that perspective, the first step to creating a successful sales funnel is to analyze and understand the behavior of your current buyers. The more you know about them, the better your funnel will reflect their patterns.

So remember that you're not trying to sell to everyone.

That is, pay attention to things like buying signals, preferred communication channels, and content that converts the most prospects at the bottom of the sales funnel. Go back even further and find out why and how they found you in the first place.

What is the most sought-after product feature?

In short, any data point or information that can help educate reps on moving prospects is relevant.

6. Create landing pages

Above all, when consuming some of your content, some potential customers might be interested but not sure what to do next.

So your content exists to serve readers, but you also want them to convert into customers.

Also, make sure that all main and middle funnel content includes landing pages with clear call-to-actions (CTAs) and contact information forms.

These pages can also include background information about your business and the unique benefits you offer your customers.

So when you get a prospect's contact information, use it wisely.

Above all, start your sales cadence with some reach and keep the information flowing. Be sure to communicate your business value and solution in a way that engages and intrigues customers enough to move forward.

7. Manage your sales funnel

Sales funnel management refers to the process of overseeing the customer journey and ensuring the business reflects as effectively as possible.

Of course, sales funnel management techniques strive to keep everything streamlined, organized, and effective.

That is, if customers exit the funnel without making a purchase, find out what went wrong.

Is there a certain stage where some prospects tend to drop out of the funnel? Was there a sign that often led to customers leaving? What can be done differently to avoid this in the future?

Above all, the same applies to situations where communication with a customer fails before reaching the bottom of the funnel. Also known as a dead lead, these people may have expressed interest in buying but haven't engaged for a while.

Also, in hopes of keeping your funnel as clean and manageable as possible, throw those leads away.

So, obviously, customers aren't very interested in your business and it wouldn't make sense for you to put more effort into this unpromising relationship.

In short, if they come back to you, great! Otherwise, there's satisfaction in cleaning up your base and knowing you can reallocate that time to someone who will really benefit from it.

8. Sales funnel metrics

Here are some common sales metrics you should measure to determine and improve your sales funnel success:

  • Leads generated: The number of leads that enter the sales funnel. Again, not every lead will convert to a customer, so you'll need to take that and the conversion rate into account when generating leads;
  • conversion rates: The rate at which leads are converting to customers, also known as the sales close rate. You can also measure conversion rates between each stage of the sales funnel;
  • Total sales and revenue: The number of closed deals and the amount of revenue generated from those deals. These totals will be important in calculating actual profit, which is revenue after accounting for selling costs;
  • Average order value: The average revenue generated from a single closed deal. This metric is used in sales forecasting as it allows you to predict revenue streams based on the number of leads generated and their typical conversion rate.

Here you discover what is sales funnel and how it enters your company!

9. Grab the attention of buyers

First, now that you know who they are and what they're looking for, it's time to dedicate time, energy, and materials to grabbing their attention with relevant and useful information.

Most of all, the top of the funnel, in the awareness stage, you'll want to pitch some blog articles, social media posts, and webinars that offer useful information to your audience. There is also the paid advertising route.

Also, as they scroll down and show interest in your business, your website should feature product information, competitor comparisons, and customer reviews.

That way, from there, as they think about the decision to make a purchase, make it easy for them to contact a sales rep via a landing page.

And when they make the purchase, welcome them with open arms, along with a thoughtful proposal and a reasonable price quote.

therefore know what is a sales funnel It's the path to success for your business.

In short, the most important note here is that you must have SEO-optimized content at every stage of the sales funnel. With that in mind, check out our tip 10.

10. Look for an SEO specialist or SEO agency

A person's journey to becoming a customer is not a one-stop shop, and it's in your best interest as a salesperson to pay attention to these points along the way.

From that perspective, a well-structured sales funnel is the perfect answer, as it offers a recipe for a solid customer experience and deals closed and won.

If you want to professionalize your business, hire seo experts or else one seo agency.

Each of these tips, along with your own actions and specialized professionals, will make your company take off.

So, don't stand still, use our tips and hire quality professionals!

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