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To lose weight

Want to lose weight fast and healthy? Very simple: stop consuming processed junk food and give your body time to digest your meals. Another simple tip: completely cut sugar from your diet!

Intermittent fasting to lose weight fast and healthy 

I started this diet just cutting out sugar and bread in the morning and the result was amazing: I lost 10kg.

  • This without buying supplements or weight loss pills.
  • Intermittent fasting basically boils down to taking longer breaks between your meals.
  • The secret is to eat a lot of healthy fat and avoid sugars that just make you addicted and make you even hungrier.

To lose weight you need to eat a lot of healthy fat 

Forget the cholesterol myth! Remember that iron-healthy granny from the countryside, who ate only food from the farm and cooked only with lard? Well, the media with industry advertisements make the mass of the population forget these good customs.

  • Your cholesterol only goes up when your body is inflamed and not because of what you eat.
  • What produces all the high cholesterol in your body is your body to protect you and generate red blood cells in order to cure the cause.

Ever heard of eggnog for the flu?

Yes, eggnog was used a lot to cure the flu because the cholesterol of those who took it increased dramatically and cured the inflammation. Question everything!

  • Want to really lose weight? So eat lots of natural fat from animals, vegetables and fruits.
  • Gradually start doing intermittent fasting to build a healthy habit progressively.
  • The break from one meal to the next is at least 12 hours.

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