Posso ganhar dinheiro no insta curtindo, seguindo e comentando?

Can you make money on insta by liking, following and commenting?

Plataformas para ganhar dinheiro seguindo pessoas no instagram

Is it true? Can you make an extra income on insta, liking, following and commenting?


Are there platforms that pay well to do this? Or is it a scam or is it more of an internet fraud?

Important: Before continuing with the content, we ask that you leave a comment at the end of this article. Write all your questions or any tips for extra income if you already work with digital products.


Can you make money by following people on Instagram?

The answer is yes! However, unlike many advertisements out there, you don't need to buy any course to start earning extra income by liking, following and commenting on insta.

To do so, just register on some platforms, follow the step-by-step instructions described on the website, and start earn some money therefore.

But what they don't tell you out there is that you'll earn pennies by following hundreds of people, and if you keep following, liking and commenting on different profiles, you'll be blocked by Instagram.

Therefore, it is at your own risk to register on sites such as said It is Kzom, to try earn money liking profiles on insta.

How do platforms work to make money by following people on instagram?

That the practice of buying followers exists everyone already knows! However, the old method used was completely done by fake accounts through robots, and as already predicted, it stopped working.

It now arrives on platforms with the intention of circumventing the system, because now real accounts are liking, commenting and following.

That is, those who want to buy followers now actually buy what they want, because the platforms make the bridge: they receive R$ promising a number of followers and you, who are interested, earn a slice of this transaction using your insta account to follow and comment .

Nothing wrong so far, but don't buy courses that promise to teach you how to do this!

Go to platforms like Dizu and Kzom, and follow the site's step-by-step to link your account and earn money by following people on Instagram.

See too:

Bonus: 10 How-To Tips to Make Money on Instagram

Para ganhar dinheiro no Instagram, é importante construir uma base de seguidores fiéis. Quanto maior o número de seguidores, maior a probabilidade de vender produtos ou serviços.

Here are some tips to help you make money on Instagram:

01 – Use the correct hashtags

Hashtags are a good way to increase the reach of your posts. When you use the right hashtags, you can reach a wider audience. Also, hashtags will help your followers to find your posts.

02 – Publish quality content

To make money on Instagram, it is important to publish quality content. If your followers don't like your content, they won't follow you back. Therefore, publish content that is relevant to your target audience.

03 – Create fun ads

Fun ads can help you grab your followers' attention. When your followers are interested in your ads, they will be more likely to buy your products or services.

04 – Use third-party apps

third-party apps can help you make money on Instagram. These apps allow you to post ads quickly and easily. In addition, the apps allow you to analyze the results of your advertisements.

05 – Create promotions

Create promotions for your products or services. When your account followers purchased a product or service from you, send them a discount coupon for the next product or service they purchased.

06 – Use the right social networks

It's important to use the right social media to promote your products or services. If you focus your efforts on just one social network, you won't have the same impact. Therefore, use various social networks to reach your target audience.

07 – Keep your followers informed

Keep your followers informed about your new products or services. When you announce a new product or service, your followers will be interested.

08 – Interact with your followers

Interact with your followers. When you interact with your followers, they will feel valued. Also, when you interact with them, you can find out what their interests are.

09 – Make partnerships

Partner with other companies. When you partner with other businesses, you can reach a wider audience. Also, partnerships can help you increase traffic to your website.

10 – Be creative

Be creative. When you are creative, your followers will be interested in your products or services. Also, creativity can help you to differentiate yourself from others.


Were you interested in knowing if it's possible to earn extra income with insta by liking, following or commenting on profiles? 

Well, we just talked about it! Yes, it is possible, but it is important that you know that it is not an easy thing. 

It takes a lot of effort and dedication to get satisfactory results. But of course it's worth a try, after all, everyone wants to earn extra money, right? 

Share this content and leave a comment with your questions. We will be happy to help you!

Frequently asked questions and answers about making money on instagram:

  • Is it safe to earn money by liking Instagram?

    Some say yes, as it is possible to become an influencer and receive money for posting photos and videos on the social network. Others say that it's not that simple, but that it depends a lot on the number of followers and the quality of the content produced. 

    Regardless of the answer, the fact that social networks are a great way to promote products and services is undeniable. Therefore, if you have the skills to produce interesting and relevant content, you can bet on this strategy!

  • How much do platforms pay to like and follow on Instagram?

    It depends. Some platforms pay a fixed amount for each like or follower, while others offer a commission on the profits generated from sales made through the social network. 

    Regardless of the amount you pay, it is important that you are aware that you are promoting someone else's brand or product and therefore must act ethically and responsibly. After all, no one wants to be associated with an unsuccessful campaign or have their image compromised.

  • What are the sites to make money by following people on insta?

    There are several sites to make money by following people on insta. It is important to research well before registering with any of them, as not all offer the same conditions and benefits. 

    Generally, the sites that pay the most for followers are the ones that require the least commitment from the user. All you need is an Instagram account and dedicate a few minutes a day to promoting the profiles of other members of the site.

    Thus, it is possible to earn money without doing anything other than liking and commenting on other people's photos. How cool, huh?

  • What are the apps to make money by following people on Instagram?

    Apps to earn money by following people on Instagram can be a great help for anyone who wants to earn extra income. 

    Some of these apps work in a simple way: you register, choose the people you want to follow and they pay you for it. Others work in a slightly more complex way: you need to have a certain number of followers, produce interesting content and have a good network of relationships. 

    Regardless of the app you choose, it is important to be aware of the rules and conditions established by it.

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    How do I participate and earn money by following people on Instagram?

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