Semente de Sucupira, canela de velho, com vinho e branca

Sucupira seed, old cinnamon, with wine and white

canela de velho com sucupira

There is no evidence of publications and research proving the thesis that sucupira tea is slimming.


But, depending on the context that was inserted, it can favor weight loss, even if indirectly.

As an example, if you replace drinks that are more caloric, such as artificial juice, which can have up to 70 calories per 200 ml portion, soft drinks that have approximately 85 calories per 200 ml, or the 200 ml glass of milk and chocolate , which can have 155 calories, the drink can help reduce calories.

This is important for a slimming diet when you consider the factor that to get rid of the kilos you need to ingest a lower amount of calories compared to what is consumed.

In this way, it can be understood that sucupira tea indirectly loses weight.

It is obviously not just the reduction in liquid calories that will lead to weight loss.

This factor favors, however, it is essential that it is in the context of a balanced, healthy, nutritious and controlled diet, with the practice of physical activities to increase calorie expenditure, to achieve focus.

In this way, for those who want to prove that sucupira tea really makes you lose weight, do not fail to apply such changes to your own habits.

More Benefits of Sucupira

In addition to realizing that sucupira tea makes you lose weight, this may also be linked with the benefits following:

Help for:

  • reduction of inflammation in muscles and joints,
  • being used by folk medicine to treat problems such as arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, rheumatoid arthritis,
  • musculoskeletal diseases.

But it is essential to know that even though there are studies that indicate that the plant extract can reduce muscle inflammation, these experiments have not been carried out in humans, and there is no certainty that this action does not still generate harmful effects.

Relief of discomfort generated by conditions, such as excess uric acid, sore throat, tonsillitis, uterine cyst, wounds, syphilis, inflammation.

It can help, in certain cases, to alleviate recurrent pain and discomfort arising from cancer chemotherapy treatment.

It has alkaloids, substances with antiparasitic and antimicrobial action.

It is formed by isoflavone compounds, which due to their antioxidant action, have neuroprotective, anticancer action, and to protect against cardiovascular accidents.

Triterpenes, substances perceived in plants, have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, cardioprotective, antidiabetic, antiproliferative, chemoprotective, cytoprotective action, offering protection to healthy body tissues.

Studies from the 1960s indicated that sucupira fruits could be used to treat muscle pain and sprains, due to their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

O essential oil in sucupira seeds showed protection against gastritis and ulcers in animal experiments.

However, it is still necessary to carry out studies with humans to ensure the safety of use and the absence of side effects.

Precautions Regarding Sucupira

Not the sucupira should be taken by pregnant women and for children under 12 years of age.

As there are no studies on the possible effects of the plant on humans, the risks of excessive ingestion are not known.

This does not mean that they do not exist, since even medicinal plants can be toxic, in addition to causing side effects.

Read too:

Video | Sucupira as an anti-inflammatory