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Severe migraine | Can I Take Homemade Remedy? What Symptoms?

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Migraine headaches are one of the top 20 most bothersome medical conditions in the world, according to the World Health Organization.


A migraine is characterized by a throbbing pain, usually confined to one side of the head, that tends to get worse with movement. They normally last from 4 to 72 hours.

Symptoms tend to vary from person to person.

Individuals often experience sensory warning signs such as blind spots, flashes of light, heightened sensitivity to light and sound, burning in arms and legs, nausea and vomiting.

Although there is no known cure for migraines, it is possible to try some natural home remedies to get relief from migraine headaches and reduce their frequency.

Does an Ice Pack Help with Severe Migraines?

Using an ice pack is perhaps the home remedy most popular to get rid of tension as well as migraine headache.

And it has a numbing effect that relieves pain.

Wrap ice cubes in a clean towel and place over temples, forehead and or back of neck for 10 to 15 minutes.

Repeat as needed. You can also try alternating hot and cold compresses for approximately 15 minutes, as needed.

For best results, add lavender or peppermint essential oils to water for compress.

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Chamomile has calming, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties that help relieve migraines.

Regularly drink chamomile tea it can also help to prevent the problem.

When dealing with migraines, you will have better results using German Chamomile. So when buying this herb, look for a label that says German Chamomile.

Steep 2 to 3 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water for a few minutes.

You can also add a little lemon juice and honey. Strain and drink this tea 3 or 4 times a day for relief from migraine symptoms.

Alternatively, prepare an herbal tea by steeping equal amounts of Chamomile, Marrubium vulgare and Filipendula ulmaria in a cup of hot water for at least 5 minutes.

Strain and drink. Repeat as needed.


A 2013 study published in Phytotherapy Research indicates that ginger may prove effective in treating common migraines.

It blocks prostaglandins, which are chemicals that promote muscle contractions, impact hormones, and regulate inflammation in blood vessels in the brain.

Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also work by reducing the production of these chemicals.

Drink ginger tea a few times a day until you get relief. Make sure to drink upon arrival headache.

Simply chewing a piece of raw ginger root will also help treat the problem and ease symptoms like nausea and digestive upset.

apple for migraine

Eating an apple as soon as you notice the warning signs of a migraine attack can help reduce the problem.

Additionally, research suggests that the smell of green apples may also help reduce migraine severity and reduce migraine episodes, especially for those who like the smell.

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