Chá de Alfavaca para bebê? (Manjericão Faz Mal?)

Can you give baby basil tea? Does it hurt?

quais os benefícios do chá de alfavaca

Can we give alfavaca tea for baby? What are the benefits of basil?


Basil is characterized as a medicinal and aromatic plant, popular as basil, widely used to prepare home remedies for coughs, canker sores, sore throats.

The scientific name boils down to Ocimum basilicum and can be purchased at natural products stores, street markets and markets.

Basil is a bush that can reach 60 cm to 1 meter in height, with large and very aromatic leaves, which are widely used in Italian cuisine.

The plant has small flowers that can be white, lilac or red.

Regarding side effects and contraindications, basil side effects include allergic reactions, and this is contraindicated in high doses during pregnancy, in children under 12 years of age, and in lactating women.

Beware of basil tea for babies, better known as basil tea!

From the moment that more foods, such as soups and fruits, are incorporated into the baby's diet, liquids should be offered, especially in times of intense heat or dry weather.

The priority should be with pure water, however, from time to time, tea at room temperature can also be offered to hydrate the baby.

It is recommended to offer the drink unsweetened, and in small spoons.

When making tea, it is essential to choose organic and fresh herbs, boil filtered water, place the herb in hot water, if the fire is already off, for 3 to 5 minutes, strain and wait for it to cool before giving it to the baby.

The lightest teas, made using herbs known to be safe and not generate any effect collateral are the most suitable, chamomile, mint, and fennel, being the best options.

Teas made using stimulant plants or that are high in caffeine should not be used. Remember to always consult a pediatrician before making changes to the baby's menu.

Baby Basil Tea Only After 6 Months

Baby can drink basil tea, as long as the period of exclusive breastfeeding is respected, this is very important.

It is common, when the newborn cries and writhes with colic, for mothers to think of offering fennel tea as soon as possible, however, it is necessary to talk to the pediatrician beforehand.

Breast milk is the best option for the baby, and up to 6 months of age, it is recommended not to give anything other than breast milk.

The newborn's stomach is very small, and if he consumes tea instead of one of the feedings, the tummy will fill up and he will not absorb nutrients and vitamins from breast milk, which are essential for the baby to develop.

And, the baby may be allergic to tea components and there is no evidence that tea reduces colic.

For the relief of colic in the newborn, some tips are characterized by warm compresses, massage, movement of the bicycle with the legs, and belly to belly.

So, the tea should only be given to the baby after 6 months, when the menu is diversified by the doctor's guidance.

Read too:

What is the basil bath used for?)

Basil is a very versatile herb, as in addition to being used in cooking, it also acts as a repellent against insects, and is very efficient in therapeutic baths, helping to relax the body and renew energy.

Also popular as basilic and basil, its species, Ocimum basilicum, has 64 varieties, of which the most commonly used are small, used in vases, and broadleaf (basil), used in culinary recipes.

Nowadays, life is hectic, people usually live stuck in the office or in a stressful routine, and when the work is over, they return home full of bad energy and problems.

And what you most want and need is a quiet break.

Cleaning the energy field

Then there are the traditional baths with herbs or thick salt, to help clean the energy field, and as a result, clean the organism of these charged energies that are absorbed during the day.

The herbal bath, be it basil or any other herb, is an ancient tradition that aims to use the benefits of nature to renew energy, generate relaxation, and a moment of peace, and really clean the aura of each one.

For the basil bath in particular, in addition to eliminating negative particles that interfere with life, it also has the function of protecting the body against negative influences.

Thus, it is highly indicated in difficult situations, for example before a work meeting with unreliable individuals, going to wakes and burials, complicated surgery.

Before discussion about marital problems, and even before the presentation of importance, if the person is shy.

Anyone can benefit from a basil bath, with the exception of those who are allergic to the herb.

Apart from this detail, the only drawback of this bath is the fact that it causes drowsiness, however, this is due to the purification and cleaning effect that is promoted by the bath.

This one serves emergency cases, ward off the evil eye, negative energies, bad vibes.

Recipe for how to make the alfavaca bath (basil)

As an ingredient, 1 branch of basil is used, and 1 liter of water. Boil the water and when it starts to boil, add the basil branch and let it boil for another 3 minutes.

After this period, remove the branch and wait to cool down. Do not let it get too cold so that it is at a pleasant body temperature.

While the mixture cools, take a bath as usual, and at the end, do not dry yourself.

Take the mixture and pour it over the body, and from the neck down, envisioning good things, being an example of good thoughts for yourself, people you live with and family.

When finished, do not rinse and if possible, wait for the body to dry naturally.

If you need to dry, use a clean, light towel, and then wear light clothes and go to rest.

It is very interesting to use what nature has to offer, especially because it has no cost and no contraindications, only benefits.