Como Pegar Doces para Revender Consignado Direto da Fábrica

How to Get Sweets to Resell Consigned Direct from the Factory

como pegar doces para revender consignado

Picking up candy to resell consignment is a great way to earn extra money. Also, you can do this in a very simple and practical way.


However, it is important that you know how to choose the best sweets to resell and where to find them.

In this article, we will show you how to do this in a simple and practical way.


What are Consigned Sweets from the Factory?

the sweets consigned from the factory are a type of candy that is produced by a manufacturer and sold to a shopkeeper on the condition that the shopkeeper can return any quantity of the candy within a specified period, usually one month. 

This is an agreement between the manufacturer and the merchant so that the manufacturer can sell their products without having to deal with product returns.

What is the advantage of reselling sweets consigned from the factory?

the advantage of resell candy without having stock is that you can start from scratch, without having to invest in products or have a physical space to store them. 

In addition, you don't run the risk of getting stuck products and losing money. 

It is possible to work directly with suppliers, negotiating prices and payment terms. Another great advantage is that you can sell sweets, or any product, regardless of its size or weight, without having to keep stock.

What is the downside of picking up consignment candies to resell?

The disadvantage of taking consigned sweets to resell is that you will not have a profit margin. 

This means that if you want make money from selling of sweets, you will have to charge a price much higher than the amount paid for them in the store. 

In addition, you will need to invest time and energy in promoting the products and building a good reputation with customers.

Which factory or distributor can you pick up sweets to resell on consignment?

Who never thought of setting up their own business? This is an idea that comes to many people's minds, especially when the financial crisis tightens their pockets. Thinking about it, we separate some business tips that you can set up with little investment.

Today, we're going to talk about a business that has grown a lot in recent years and is still on the rise: candy reselling. 

Yes, it is possible to make good money reselling candies, bonbons and other sweets at fairs, events and even at home. But, before starting, it's important to know some details about the candy market for resale.

01 – Where to start?

First of all, you need to choose the factory or distributor that will supply the sweets for resale. This choice is important, as you need to be sure that the products are of good quality and that the distributor will provide you with all the necessary support.

One tip is to look for distributors who work with handcrafted products. These factories use quality ingredients and produce sweets in a more sophisticated way, which may please your target audience.

02 – What are the types of sweets for resale?

In addition to choosing a good distributor, it is important to choose the sweets for resale in the best possible way. There are many types of sweets on the market, but the best sellers are milk and chocolate sweets and brigadeiros.

Another sweet that is on the rise is the dulce de leche pasta, which is a typical sweet from the south of Brazil. This sweetie is made with milk pasta, river cheese, sugar and butter and takes about 3 hours to prepare. 

In addition to it, other typical sweets from the South are also popular, such as condensed milk pudding, banana pie and dulce de leche.

Therefore, it is important to know your target audience and offer sweets that they will love. Do a lot of research on the flavors of sweets that are on the rise at the moment and bet on them.

03 – How long does it take to set up the business?

Setting up a candy reselling business is quite simple. You just need to follow some guidelines and have a little organization. Plus, you don't need a huge upfront investment, which is great for those just starting out.

In general, it takes about 1 week to get organized and start selling candy. It is important to have a space to store the products and a car to transport them.

04 – How much will I earn reselling sweets?

Profit varies according to the type of sweets you resell, your target audience and the space you reserve for the business. But in general, you can expect a profit of about the value of the candy.

So if you invest R$10 in sweets, you can sell them for R$25. This is a great profit, especially if you are just starting out.

05 – How can I publicize my candy resale business?

To publicize your candy reselling business, you can use social networks, your distributor's website or pamphlets. Another idea is to participate in gastronomic events where you can expose your products.

Another way to advertise your business is to offer candy for birthday parties and other events. That way, you will build a good relationship with customers and they will be able to trust your products.

Bonus tip: How to sell sweets, truffles and cake in a jar at company doors

Taking advantage of the high sales season, we separate a bonus tip to help you boost your sales of sweets, truffles and cake in the pot at company doors!

Start by offering free samples for employees. This will get their attention and make them give your products a chance. Plus, it's a great way to promote your brand.

Once you've convinced prospects, it's time to close the sale. To do this, use a simple and effective strategy: show the price per unit and ask if they want to buy one or several.

It's important to keep in mind that sales don't just stop at the doors of companies. Use social media to promote your products and win new customers.

  • Choose quality products: try to use good quality ingredients that please the customer's taste.
  • Make a good planning: set goals and get organized to meet them.
  • Pay attention to presentation: products must be beautiful and attractive to customers.
  • Promote your products: use social networks and other means of communication to promote your products.

Final considerations

Onde pegar doces no pote consignados para revenda

Candy reselling is a business that has grown a lot in recent years. In addition to being a way of earn good money, this business is simple to set up and you don't need a large initial investment.

Therefore, if you are thinking of setting up your own business, reselling sweets is an excellent idea. Do a lot of research on the subject and choose the candy distributor that will provide you with the best products.

Frequently asked questions and answers:

  • How does the sale of sweets on consignment work?

    Reselling sweets on consignment is a very simple business that can yield good profits. Basically, you will receive the sweets from a bakery or manufacturer and pass them on to end customers for a higher price. That way, you don't need to invest in stock or in the purchase of products, just in the physical space to store the sweets and publicize your business. It is important to be careful with the quality of the products, as this directly influences customer satisfaction.

  • What is the profit selling consigned sweets?

    Well, first of all, you have to keep in mind that sweets are a very popular item throughout the year. In addition, their production is not complex and requires few ingredients. Another positive point is that most people like sweets, so the chances of selling a lot are high. Finally, candy prices may vary according to market demand. Therefore, it is possible to make a good profit by investing in the consignment sale of sweets!

  • Where to get candies in the jar consigned for resale?

    Some places that might be interesting are grocery stores, grocery stores, and supermarkets. Generally, these establishments offer sweets in jars that can be resold later. Look to talk to the store manager for more information on this matter.

  • Do I need to have a clear name to resell consignment candies?

    It's an excellent question! After all, you want to dedicate yourself to this business with all your energy and dedication, right? First of all, it is important to consult the rules of the company in which you intend to work. Some may require you not to be involved in legal proceedings or have any financial outstanding. If this is not a problem for you, just start planning your business details!

  1. Paulo Daniel Souza da Silva pa It says

    I want to sell the sweets

    1. Marlene AP Viera Lemes It says

      I don't have a sait, and I would really like to resell sweets

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