Receita Biscoito de Queijo, Eu Amo e quem come se apaixona!

Cheese Biscuit recipe, I love it and those who eat it fall in love!

Who never ate a delicious cheese biscuit and fell in love? This recipe is super simple and ready in minutes.


In addition, the cheese biscuit is a great option for an afternoon snack or to accompany a coffee.

In this article, you will learn how to make the tastiest and easiest cheese biscuit recipe.

The cheese biscuit is one of my favorites, see the step by step

  • 5 cups of sweet manioc flour (I used country manioc flour)
  • 5 cups half-grated cheese
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 cup of oil (missing a finger to fill)
  • 3/4 cup of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • * 250 ml cup

No need to scald and the dough looks beautiful!

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biscoito de queijo

The cheese biscuit is a very popular food in Brazil. It is made with cheese, flour, eggs and butter. It is a tasty and nutritious food, which can be consumed in several meals.

The cheese biscuit is a great option for breakfast or an afternoon snack. It can be served with coffee, milk or tea. It is also a great option to accompany main meals such as rice and beans.

This is an easy recipe to make and it makes a lot of cookies. You can make the recipe at home and share it with family and friends. Alternatively, you can buy pre-made cookies from specialized stores.

In this article you learned the cheese biscuit recipe and also got to know some variations of this recipe.

Credits: @chefbabifrazao

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