Tudo Sobre a Fruta Mangostão Amarelo e Seus Benefícios

All About Purple, Yellow Mangosteen Fruit and Its Benefits

benefícios da fruta mangostão

Do you want to know the benefits of yellow and purple mangosteen?


Garcinia is a genus of plant of the Clusiaceae family native to Asia, America, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia.

The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and approximately 300.

Commonly, plants in this genus are called mangosteen, garcinia, among others.

The yellow mangosteen is a rounded fruit with very sour yellow segments.

The high acidity makes it ideal for jams and jellies, but removing the seed and skin can take time.

Easier to grow in the subtropics than purple mangosteen, but the taste is completely different.

The tree grows well in full sun and shade. And it will tolerate and continue to bear plenty of fruit in dry conditions.

The tree is very attractive with large drooping leaves and a layered shape.

The fruit can reach 8 to 10 cm in length and looks very ornamental when on the tree.

A mangosteen fruit purple and yellow scientifically

The mangosteen, popular scientifically as Garcinia mangostana, the purple mangosteen, a tropical tree abundant in Asia and parts of Africa.

The fruit has 3 main parts, the purple skin, the seeds perceived inside, and the white edible pulp.

This fruit has high nutritional value, however, with low caloric value, being around 63 calories per 100 grams.

It is a great source of carbohydrates and fiber, and has high levels of vitamin C.

Benefits of Garcinia Mangostana

  • Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties
  • cardioprotective effect
  • Immune system support
  • Healthy skin, slimming
  • Aid for digestion, diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes
  • For menstrual problems, among others

There are several mechanisms by which mangosteen generates weight loss. Initially, this fruit promotes appetite suppression by stimulating glycogen synthesis in the body.

In the situation that the levels of this substance are appropriate, the brain receives signals to suppress appetite.

And, nutrients perceived in the fruit have the ability to accelerate the body's metabolism, and stimulate the breakdown of fats.

High levels of vitamins, minerals, and xanthones, which have antioxidant properties, protect the body against the damaging effects of radicals, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

Such benefits trigger several facts that help in weight loss. As an example, a strengthened immune system is capable of improving overall health.

The high fiber content will speed up the metabolic rate, with improved digestion, which encourages the body to absorb nutrients.

Absorption of nutrients from mangosteen purple and yellow

Through the proper absorption of nutrients, the body becomes more vigorous, which can make the person more willing for physical activity, fundamental to losing weight.

And, this fruit regulates blood sugar availability, with more available energy, making exercise easier and more enjoyable.

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-allergic properties help reduce the risk of many conditions such as skin aging, inflammation, allergies, eczema, bacterial infection.

Studies suggest that this fruit may even possess anti-skin cancer properties.

Currently there are even products derived from the fruit that are available, which help in certain skin diseases, such as acne.

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