Estômago Doendo? Veja o que Pode Ser a Causa

Stomach Aching? See what could be the cause

estomago doendo e enjoo

See here how to relieve stomach pain fast and also the main symptoms that may be causing this discomfort!


the stomach it hurts when being agitated, fasting for a long time, overdoing it with spices or coffee.

It is important to know what causes an upset stomach and understand how to prevent the problem.

The stomach in digestion releases the acid that dissolves the food in order to facilitate the absorption of nutrients.

In excess, it causes pain or discomfort.

And the pain can be transient, in the case of the result of isolated factors such as medicines, certain foods, prolonged fasting, or the continuous one, in case the acid attacks and inflames the wall of the organ, generating gastritis, or producing wounds there, with a generated ulcer.

So, the ulcer is aggravated gastritis. Gastritis is more superficial, and the ulcer generates loss of cells and the mucosa changes in the stomach.

It is as if the gastritis were characterized by skin irritation, with swelling and redness, and the ulcer, a deeper wound.

If your stomach hurts look for symptoms

Regarding the symptoms, pain in the pit of the stomach, a kind of burning sensation, and the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, which worsens when not eating for more than 5 hours and improves after consumption, arise for ulcers and gastritis.

Changes in breath may also occur, the headache, nausea and dizziness, usually more intense after a meal.

Fasting stomach ache

Fasting does not bring relief. The tendency is to make the symptoms worse.

When a person stays a long time without eating, the stomach releases small doses of acid that give a feeling of hunger.

In contact with injured or inflamed walls, this generates more pain and irritation. It's like throwing acid on broken skin.

The action of fractioning the diet is a good measure.

Consuming smaller portions, often during the day, will prevent attacks on the stomach wall.

The essential thing is not to go more than 4 hours without food.

The night is characterized by the period in which people spend more time on an empty stomach, thus, taking care of breakfast.

Stress is one of the villains, as is prolonged fasting.

Also read important information:

aching from stress

Stress causes a reflex that stimulates the release of acid in the stomach, so it can generate or aggravate symptoms.

Helicobacter pylori is capable of destroying the protective layer of the stomach lining, making it more susceptible to acid action.

And almost half of the population has such bacteria and not all people develop the ulcer and gastritis.

However, when this occurs, the presence of Helicobacter makes it difficult to control, so it is necessary to eliminate it using specific antibiotics, administered over a period of one week.

Hurting from cigarettes and alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol aggravate symptoms, and not only aggravate pain, but may be responsible for triggering ulcers or gastritis.

This occurs especially when the toxic substances from cigarettes and alcohol attack the gastrointestinal tract.

Regarding measures that help recovery, it is recommended to quit smoking, practice physical activities and relaxation techniques, consume light foods every 3 hours, and have regular bedtimes.

Also avoid chewing so much gum, the action induces the stomach to release acid for the digestion of food, and if food does not come, the walls suffer.

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What Could It Be Pain in the Mouth of the Stomach?

There are several ailments and conditions that are linked with stomach pain.

If the stomach pain is in the central region of the abdomen, popularly known as the pit of the stomach, this may represent a sign of several problems.

One of the problems is characterized by anxiety, which causes most of the reasons for discomfort in this region, and which should not be a reason to worry, since when the feeling of stress disappears, the pain also disappears.

Anxiety can easily generate acidity, diarrhea and poor digestion, and as a result, pain will affect the stomach.

However, it is necessary to treat cases of chronic anxiety so that it does not get worse.

If the individual is not suffering from a moment of stress, the pain in the pit of the stomach can also be caused by gas.

Ingesting certain foods can generate the composition of gases, which, if not released, often cause discomfort in the region.

Such pains may still feel like pins and needles.

One more common cause of pain in the pit of the stomach is stomach acidity, popular with heartburn, and generated by gastric reflux as a result of poor digestion.

However, when the case becomes repetitive, it is essential to seek medical help.

The reason for pain in the pit of the stomach may be related to more serious health complications that require medical attention.

This is the case of intestinal inflammation, which will affect individuals who already have some type of problem in the digestion system, such as gastritis.

Such ailments are also accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting.

When cases of gastritis are not adequately treated, they may evolve to ulcers, chronic inflammation that requires treatment and a lot of attention in relation to the foods that are consumed.

Certain remedies are also part of the list of causes for pain in the pit of the stomach, such as iron supplements, and certain anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen.

In this situation, the discomfort seems like a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or even a burning sensation that can persist for a few hours.

Habits can cause stomach pain

Even some wrong habits can cause stomach pain, such as the simple fact of consuming very quickly. .

And regardless of the reason that caused the pain in the pit of the stomach, there is the possibility of easing the pain with the ingestion of teas, as is the situation with mint tea and fennel tea, which are indicated after meals, when digestion occurs precarious or simply to prevent discomfort.

Gingerbread tea is even more effective at deflating the stomach, as well as sage tea and chamomile tea, as an aid in this time of discomfort.

In this way there are means to then calm the perceived unpleasant sensation in the stomach area.