Como funciona a Virtuspay Passo a Passo

How Virtuspay works Step by Step

parcelando no boleto com a VirtuPay

want to buy at bill in installments with Virtuspay? See below how it works, if it has interest and how to register safely.


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Registration is completely free and you will receive first-hand all the promotional news from Virtuspay through good interest rates for payment slips in installments.

How does it work to buy in installments with Virtuspay?

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Our posts are educational and informative and should not be construed as the final word. Understand more about our website on the terms of use and privacy policy pages.

Well, below, see the simple step-by-step registration in Virtuspay:

  1. Access the official website or application and enter your documentation as requested.
  2. Wait for the registration to be approved within 07 business days. It used to be before, but just be patient at this step.
  3. Perhaps the company requests some extra documentation.
  4. Registration approved! Now just check what your limit is payment by boleto.
  5. Choose a Virtuspay partner store and at the end of the purchase, just enter your login, password and the payment slip will be generated with the conditions of installments and interest that you have accepted.
  6. Now just wait for your purchase to arrive home!

Is it worth paying in installments with Virtuspay?

actually none installment purchase it's good. The best thing would be to gather the money and buy it in cash at a discount, wouldn't it?

But as we know that nobody likes to wait, yes, the installment bill is a good solution.

This system is reminiscent of Casas Bahia. If you've never been a customer, know that it's the same system.

That is, the customer would go to the store, choose the product and if he opted for the famous meat in installments, register there and, after approving it, leave immediately happy with the product.

Virtuspay does exactly the same service! The big draw is in the innovation of the registration, approval processes and better: there are several partner stores there to choose where to buy.

Virtuspay works like a credit card for those who don't have or have a low limit

You see, the company's service is attractive, but let's be honest: with the digital banks and services like Nubank, getting a credit card just got easier.

Not to mention that the interest rates are much more attractive than when compared to the Virtuspay payment in installments.

A tip: register with Virtuspay! It's totally free and you don't pay any registration fees, but be aware that if you've been approved, you can certainly be approved too. to have a credit card which is much more advantageous.

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Also read our articles on how to get a credit card or about clearing the dirty name of financial constraints.

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