Chá de tanchagem serve para corrimento e infecção urinária?

Is plantain tea good for discharge and urinary infection?

chá de tanchagem para corrimento

Full of astringent properties, plantain tea has several properties, and its tea prepared using fresh or dried leaves acts as a healer, fights gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, and toothache.


And it disinflames ganglia, helps to expel phlegm from the bronchi, and will disinflame the throat and mouth in more intense colds, tonsillitis and flu.

The benefits of tanchagem can also be enjoyed with topical application, as the clean leaves scalded in boiling water can be applied to wounds, burns and insect bites.

Warm tea is often used in a sitz bath to treat menstrual and urinary discomfort.

In the south of Brazil it is very common to find plantain trees in vacant lots and orchards, where it is sometimes confused with a weed.

Because of their abundant amounts of sugars, proteins, minerals and vitamins, with very low toxicity, the leaves were classified as food, and several individuals continue to disseminate recipes focused on taking advantage of the benefits of plantain to the body.

And everything in that plant is used, leaves, stem, seeds and flowers.

Benefits and uses can be cited, soothe and cool mucous membranes, loosen and expel phlegm and congestion.

Relieves diarrhea, excessive menstrual flow, hemorrhoids and incontinence, and helps with vaginal infections. Removes liver, kidney and bladder obstructions. And it helps control weight.

benefits of tanchagem

Drinking plantain seed tea on an empty stomach is very recommended for individuals who have problems in the intestinal tract, acting as an excellent laxative and depurative.

Infusion should be made by adding boiling water to a glass with a tablespoon of dry or fresh seeds.

The mixture needs to macerate for at least 20 minutes, or until it cools down, before consumption. One option is to do the drinking tea at night the next day, upon waking up.

It is also possible to enjoy the benefits of tanchagem on the skin.

Tea for topical use, directly on areas affected by pimples or acne, is also very efficient.

So, prepare using 2 tablespoons of the chopped fresh leaves, steep in a glass of boiling water.

Let it rest for 15 minutes and add a tablespoon of honey. Make application on affected areas, using gauze or cotton pad soaked generously, and leave acting for at least 20 minutes.

Burns, wounds, insect bites can be poulticeed with fresh plantain leaves, pounded or crushed vigorously in a pestle.

The paste must be applied directly to the lesion, with the possibility of spreading it and being protected using gauze.

benefits of tea

Tea gargling is very indicated for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, tracheitis, and as a detoxifier for the respiratory tract of smokers, or individuals affected by strong colds.

Prepare the tea using 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh plantain leaves for a cup of boiling water.

Cover and wait to macerate for 10 minutes.

Afterwards, strain and gargle 2 to 3 times daily, gargling the liquid, which can even be swallowed.

Read too:

have tea from plantain does it help to lose weight?

Plantain has a diuretic action, that is, it promotes the elimination of excess fluid perceived in the body by stimulating an increase in the volume of urine.

This decreases swelling, considering that it is exactly fluid retention responsible for making the body swollen.

Eliminating excess water can cause loss of liquid. However, it cannot be said that plantain tea magically loses weight.

As much as diuretic effect can make the body less full, for slimming Regarding calories and fat, it is necessary to follow a balanced and controlled, healthy and nutritious diet, and practice physical activities to maximize calorie burning.


The herb used to prepare the tea has antibacterial, astringent, expectorant, irritation-reducing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing, detoxifying, decongestant, depurative, tonic, digestive, diuretic, sedative and laxative properties.

The scientific name of tanchagem is Plantago major L., and it is a creeping plant that belongs to the family of plantaginaceae, still popular as carrajá, acatá.

Plantain tea has several properties beneficial to health and is one of the most used medicinal teas in Brazil and other countries.

benefits of tea

Due to its medicinal properties, tanchagem leaf tea acts as a healing agent, helps to combat diarrhea, gastrointestinal complications, and toothache, not to mention deflating lymph nodes, throat and mouth.

Because of its powerful anti-inflammatory action, gargling using plantain will relieve sore throat, help ease mouth pain and treat canker sores.

Leaves cleaned and scalded in boiling water can be applied to ulcers or wounds, helping the healing process, not to mention acting against dog bites, leprosy and burns.

The leaves in the form of poultice will heal fistulas, hemorrhoids, wounds.

Warm tea is effective as a sitz bath for leukorrhea.

The infusion of the leaves can be used for nosebleeds, fluid retention, and the elimination of mucus and cough.

Tanchagem is also indicated for the cure of certain liver and stomach disorders, insect bites, skin infections, styes, diarrhea, rhinitis, inflammation of the mucosa, flu, sinusitis, colds, asthma, lung disease, swelling, bronchitis, dysentery, varicose veins, gastritis, hemorrhage.

The flowers and seeds of this plant are also used against conjunctivitis and eye irritation caused by trauma. Plantain is also used to help treat those who want to stop smoking.

Tea Preparation

To prepare tea from this plant and enjoy the benefits, put 2 tablespoons of the herb in 1 liter of water. Turn off the fire when lifting boil.

Cover and the solution is muffled for 10 minutes. Next, just strain and consume.

The indication for ingestion of this tea corresponds to 1 cup every 6 hours for oropharyngeal infections, 1 cup every 8 hours for gastrointestinal problems.

There is Contraindications and Side Effects?

Tanchagem tea is contraindicated for lactating women, pregnant women, and patients who have heart problems, dry stools and constipation.

Side effects of the creeping plant include intestinal colic, drowsiness and dehydration.

General Benefits of Tea

Plantago major L., sheep's wort, plantago. These are more names by which tanchagem, a medicinal plant, can also be called.

It is used in preparing medicinal tea popular in the country and more nations, and it can be found in America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

Help Treating Leucorrhoea

The condition is characterized by present vaginal discharge, therefore, by eliminating secretions through the vagina that can arise with irritation, burning and itching.

The complication can be caused by inflammation in the female reproductive system, bacteria and fungi, or an allergic reaction that can be generated by deodorant, soap, intimate lotion.

Warm plantain tea is used in sitz baths. The woman sits in the large basin or bathtub, to the relief of leukorrhea.

Anti-inflammatory action

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this tea can be used as a gargle and help to alleviate sore throats. throat and mouth, not to mention helping to treat canker sores.

Gargling using plantain tea is also indicated to help situations of gingivitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, stomatitis.

But, it is essential to understand that the drink used in gargling should not be sweetened.

Healthy skin

The plantain tea plus honey can be applied to help treat acne and pimples affecting the skin.

The indication is a very wet cotton swab, or gauze, in the drink and application in affected regions, waiting for the tea to take effect for at least 20 minutes.

Helps Treat Bronchitis

2 clinical trials carried out in Bulgaria showed that the medicinal plant is effective in treating chronic bronchitis, the inflammation that affects the mucosa lining the bronchi.

The explanation is that it acts as an emollient, relieving minor discomforts and irritations by composing a type of softening film in the affected region in relation to the mucous membrane.

Respiratory problem

German Commission E, the German regulatory commission for herbs and their medicinal uses, has approved the internal use of plantain leaves to relieve irritation and coughing in the mucous membrane, which are associated with infection in the upper respiratory tract.

It is believed that, due to experimental research, the medicinal plant can reduce irritation of the lung tissue that generates discomfort, not to mention the stimulation of the immune system.

German Commission E recommends using tanchagem for chronic and moderate irritative coughs, especially in children.

relieve cough

Due to the same emollient property, the leaves that are used in tea help to alleviate coughs, which appear because of colds, flu, irritation.

By increasing the production of mucus in the lungs, emollient substances such as plantain leaves are more frequently used to relieve a dry cough.

Action against Malefic Organism

Research in Brazil identified that the family of plants to which plantain belongs shows a certain degree of action against harmful organisms, such as yeasts, which are characterized as unicellular fungi.

Likewise, the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of the National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina, declared that the leaves of the plant are resistant to the malefic organism.

And, the study conducted in Taiwan, in which plantain leaves are used in folk medicine to treat urinary, digestive and respiratory problems, also indicated that hot water extracts from the plant are resistant to these harmful organisms.